As the London fashion week predicted, blue seems to be a fashionable and very popular colour for both clothing and nail polish this Summer.

Nail salons throughout the country are astonished in the sudden surge of blue nail polish that has been requested by clients.

People on nail courses at the London training centres learn how to apply dark colours, generally a deep red or brown. Training using this colour allows students to practise their application techniques and eliminate any lines. When applying blue polish, you must be careful to try and prevent the lines from appearing between strokes, in a similar manner to applying deep red or brown polishes.

Nail technician, Graham Bennett, says “Blues and pinks remain popular throughout the year. I’ve had to buy much more blue this year, however, than any time before!”

If you’re a nail technician, attending nail courses or a trendy stylist, using blue nail polish is sure to add glamour and style this year.


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