An overwhelming percentage of nail techs recently surveyed said that without background music, they find it difficult to complete their treatments as quickly.

66% of professional nail technicians and 22% of nail techs on nail courses believe that music helps them to focus and go about their tasks more efficiently.

Often in salons throughout the country, the radio is playing in the background. This helps to break the silence and create some added noise to motivate the therapist and make the client more comfortable (provided its good music!).

To play radio in a public environment, such as a salon, permission is required and often, you will be required to purchase a public performers licence from the organisation that controls music playing in public areas, such as shops and salons.

As you can see, setting up a nail salon is not just a matter of attending nail courses, gaining the nail technician skills and starting work: there is much more involved in setting up than many first think. For more advice on setting up a successful business, check out business-related websites for more information.


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